On Thursday, November 6, the leaders of Covington’s public policy and government affairs practice group hosted a post-election conference call discussing the agenda for the President and the 114th Congress. Members of the PPGA team discussed the following:
- Political implications of the election and leadership changes in Congress.
- Congress’s relationship with the Administration.
- Procedural consequences of the change in control of the Senate.
- Budget, appropriations, and sequestration.
- Tax policy and reform.
- Developments in intellectual property.
- International trade, trade agreements, and trade promotion authority.
- Healthcare and ACA implementation.
- The outlook for immigration, energy, and environmental policy.
For those who were unable to join the event, an audio recording of the conference call is available here: http://www.cov.com/files/upload/PPGA_Agenda_for_the_President_and_the_114th_Congress.wav