Almost all of the more than 3,000 bilateral investment treaties (BITs) in existence offer foreign investors the protection of “fair and equitable treatment” under international law.  India’s new draft model BIT does not.  In place of the well-established standard of protection, which has been interpreted and applied in hundreds of prior investment arbitrations, the model BIT offers limited protection only against “denial[s] of justice,” “un-remedied and egregious violations of due process,” and “manifestly abusive treatment involving continuous, unjustified and outrageous coercion or harassment.”

India’s omission of the fair and equitable treatment standard of protection is just one of a number of reasons for concern with India’s model BIT, several of which — including the exclusion of protection against arbitrary taxation and severe limitations on the protection of intellectual property — we anticipated and discussed in a prior post.  The exclusion of fair and equitable treatment may be more nuanced, but it is of no less importance to foreign investors in India — as well as companies based in India that are expanding abroad.

India’s proposed substitute standard is narrow and confusing — taken literally, “continuous” and “unjustified . . . coercion or harassment” would not be actionable, unless it was also “outrageous.”  The substitution of the fair and equitable treatment standard with this impractical test would have real world consequences.  The fair and equitable treatment standard operates as a key safeguard against host government conduct that is arbitrary or discriminatory.

Case after case demonstrates that the risk of such conduct is very real, and that it can take many forms.  In one well-known example, a Dutch investor in the Czech Republic was punished for closing a factory by having its export quotas slashed.  In another, a company operating the water system in an Argentinian city faced a political campaign where residents were urged not to pay their water bills, and where the company was prevented from enforcing its debts in local courts.  These are not the sorts of actions that a country aiming to be “open for business” should seek to protect.

India’s draft model BIT is not law.  It is merely a statement of policy generated by an office within India’s Finance Ministry and it is yet to be formally endorsed by the Cabinet.  India’s finance minister recently commented in the Financial Times that, in part because of the actions of a bureaucracy resistant to reforms, India has “not been entirely successful in convincing investors of the fairness of [its] tax system.”  He pledged that his government would not let India’s tax administration “lag behind.”  The cabinet must also stand up to bureaucratic resistance here, including by rejecting the draft model BIT as the basis for planned negotiations of a BIT with the United States. 

Doing so will no doubt be politically fraught.  But it is short-sighted to table a text that significantly scales back internationally-accepted investment protections.  While other countries, particularly the United States, have sought to provide guidance on the contours of the fair and equitable treatment standard — the U.S. Model BIT does this in an annex — such guidance should not give way to a narrowing of the standard in a way that diminishes substantive protections.

The India draft as it now stands sends a signal that India is not serious about deepening its trade and investment relationship with the United States through the conclusion of a planned India-U.S. BIT.  The failure to include important investment protections in India’s BITs harms not just foreign investors in India, but also Indian companies investing abroad.  Indian outbound investment stood at $30 billion last year, and Indian companies and investors are increasingly taking an interest in capital-intensive projects that are susceptible to long-term political and regulatory risks.  As India’s Export-Import bank pointed out just last year, a “good investment treaty programme for an emerging economy like India should not only be designed for attracting inward FDI [Foreign Direct Investment] but should also account for outward FDI from that economy.”

India should propose a model BIT for the long-term that provides both Indian outbound investors and inbound investors of strategic partners with core investment protections that foster growth. 

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Photo of Marney Cheek Marney Cheek

Marney Cheek co-chairs Covington’s International Arbitration and Disputes practice and has advised companies, non-governmental organizations, and governments on high-stakes international disputes and legal strategy for more than 20 years.

Marney serves as both counsel and advocate before numerous international arbitral tribunals and courts…

Marney Cheek co-chairs Covington’s International Arbitration and Disputes practice and has advised companies, non-governmental organizations, and governments on high-stakes international disputes and legal strategy for more than 20 years.

Marney serves as both counsel and advocate before numerous international arbitral tribunals and courts, including the International Court of Justice and major arbitral institutions such as the AAA, ICSID, PCA, and SIAC. She represents clients in complex international business disputes, having successfully defended a client in a $1.8 billion claim filed by a collaboration partner. Ms. Cheek serves as both counsel and arbitrator in numerous investment treaty arbitrations. She is an expert on public international law and currently represents the Government of Ukraine in its landmark cases before the International Court of Justice adverse to the Russian Federation, including Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation). In addition to leading complex investment treaty and international commercial disputes under the rules of major arbitral institutions, Marney routinely advises clients on public international law matters and issues arising under numerous multilateral treaties. She also is at the forefront of business and human rights disputes, having represented global labor unions in the first binding arbitration brought under a business and human rights compact, the Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety.

Drawing upon her experience as Associate General Counsel at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, Marney routinely counsels clients on international trade matters and is a member of the roster of arbitrators for several U.S. free trade agreements. Her pro bono work includes representation of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, among other matters.

Marney is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and serves as a Vice President of the American Society of International Law. She has previously taught investment law at Columbia University School of Law. She is recognized as an “extraordinarily thoughtful” and “creative” lawyer with a “wealth of knowledge” on international law matters in Chambers and Legal 500.

Photo of Nikhil Gore Nikhil Gore

Nikhil V. Gore is a partner in Covington’s financial services and arbitration practices, representing sovereigns, financial institutions, and global corporations in civil and criminal investigations, as well as cross-border arbitrations and disputes.

In his financial services investigations and enforcement practice, Nikhil leads anti-financial…

Nikhil V. Gore is a partner in Covington’s financial services and arbitration practices, representing sovereigns, financial institutions, and global corporations in civil and criminal investigations, as well as cross-border arbitrations and disputes.

In his financial services investigations and enforcement practice, Nikhil leads anti-financial crime investigations, as well as a wide range of financial institution governance, control, safety and soundness, and consumer and market conduct matters. He was lead counsel for a global bank in its recent trade surveillance resolutions with U.S. bank regulators, represented another global financial institution in successfully navigating multi-year criminal and civil investigations concerning an alleged corruption scheme in Asia, and has represented regional and community banks across the country in contesting and negotiating supervisory and enforcement outcomes before the OCC, Federal Reserve, and FDIC. He also counsels clients on BSA/AML regulations, and the structure and functioning of their control, compliance, and audit frameworks.

In his disputes practice, Nikhil is part of the Covington team representing Ukraine in state-to-state arbitrations against the Russian Federation and was appointed by the Prosecutor-General of Ukraine to the Legal Task Force on Accountability for Russian War Crimes. He regularly handles treaty arbitrations and commercial disputes spanning Asia, Eastern Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Africa.