
Due to the bank holidays, next week will be a relatively calm week in the European Parliament.  However, there will be a mini plenary session and one committee meeting.

On Wednesday, Members of Parliament (“MEPs”) will debate various topics, including the Post-2020 budget proposal.  On March 14, MEPs adopted a resolution in which they emphasized that the post-2020 budget should be invested in new priorities such as Europe’s regions, as well as sustainable, modern farming.  This budget should also make up for any losses made by Brexit and its developments.  Commissioner Günther Oettinger will present the Commission’s proposal for the Multi-annual Financial Framework (“MFF”) beyond 2020 to the Committee on Budgets on Thursday.  See the March 14 parliamentary resolution here.

Also on Wednesday, the plenary will debate the Parliament’s own-initiative report on media pluralism and freedom in the EU.  The report has been prepared by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (“LIBE”).  The report seeks to enhance the working conditions of journalists, and especially their integrity and independence.  It calls on the Commission and the EU Member States to adopt appropriate measures to attain these objectives, including by ensuring net neutrality and addressing appropriately new challenges such as “fake news” and hate speech.  The report will be put to a vote on Thursday.  See the draft report here.

Thursday also marks World Press Freedom Day, for which the Parliament and the European Commission will hold a seminar on “The situation of media and freedom of expression in Turkey”.

Also on Thursday, MEPs will vote on a resolution on a global ban on animal testing for cosmetics.  Within EU borders, the sale of cosmetics tested on animals is no longer allowed since 2013.  However, other countries (about 80% worldwide) still allow the sale of animal-tested cosmetics.  The Parliament calls on the EU to play a leading role in proposing a diplomatic initiative that advocates for a worldwide ban on animal testing for cosmetics by 2023.  See the draft resolution here.


Meetings and Agenda

Monday, April 30, 2018

·         No meetings of note


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

·         No meetings of note


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Plenary session


15:00 – 23:00

·         Resumption of session and order of business

·         Commission decision adopted on the MFF post-2020 package

·         Annual report on the control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank for 2016

o   Rapporteur: Marco VALLI (EFDD, IT)

·         Annual report 2016 on the protection of EU’s financial interests – Fight against fraud

o   Rapporteur: Gilles PARGNEAUX (S&D, FR)

·         Cohesion policy and thematic objective ‘promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures’

o   Rapporteur: Andrey NOVAKOV (EPP, BU)

·         Stalking crimes and victim protection in the EU

·         Protection of children in migration

·         A global ban on animal testing for cosmetics

·         Addressing farm safety in the EU

·         Current situation and future prospects for the sheep and goat sectors in the EU

o   Rapporteur: Esther HERRANZ GARCÍA (EPP, ES)

·         Media pluralism and media freedom in the European Union

o   Rapporteur: Barbara SPINELLI (GUE/NGL, IT)


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Plenary session


09:00 – 11:20

·         Debate with the Prime Minister of Belgium, Charles Michel, on the Future of Europe

Votes and explanation of votes

11:30 – 13:30


·         Protocol to the EU-Uzbekistan Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (accession of Croatia)

o   Rapporteur: Jozo RADOŠ (ALDE, HR)

·         EU-Korea Framework Agreement (accession of Croatia)

o   Rapporteur: Tokia SAÏFI (EPP, FR)

·         Subjecting the new psychoactive substance ADB-CHMINACA to control measures

o   Rapporteur: Maite PAGAZAURTUNDÚA RUIZ (ALDE, ES)

·         Subjecting the new psychoactive substance CUMYL-4CN-BINACA to control measures

o   Rapporteur: Maite PAGAZAURTUNDÚA RUIZ (ALDE, ES)

·         Mobilization of the European Globalization Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2017/010 BE/Caterpillar

o   Rapporteur: Eider GARDIAZABAL RUBIAL (S&D, ES)

·         Annual report 2016 on the protection of EU’s financial interests – Fight against fraud

o   Rapporteur: Gilles PARGNEAUX (S&D, FR)

·         European Parliament decision on the appointment of a member to the panel set up under Article 14(3) of Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 (EPPO Regulation)

·         Annual report on the control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank for 2016

o   Rapporteur: Marco VALLI (EFDD, IT)

·         Cohesion policy and thematic objective ‘promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures’

o   Rapporteur: Andrey NOVAKOV (EPP, BU)

·         Protection of children in migration

·         A global ban on animal testing for cosmetics

·         Current situation and future prospects for the sheep and goat sectors in the EU

o   Rapporteur: Esther HERRANZ GARCÍA (EPP, ES)

·         Media pluralism and media freedom in the European Union

o   Rapporteur: Barbara SPINELLI (GUE/NGL, IT)

Committee on Budgets

14:00 – 15:30

·         Commission proposals on the Multi-annual Financial Framework beyond 2020 and Own Resources – Presentation by Günther OETTINGER, Commissioner responsible for Budget and Human Resources