May 31, 2023, Covington Alert

The Department of Justice (“DOJ”)’s FARA Unit released several new advisory opinions in recent weeks that interpret the Foreign Agents Registration Act (“FARA”) and its regulations. While the newly published opinions addressed a number of topics, the FARA Unit’s broad reading of the FARA triggers and the jurisdictional scope of the statute are common themes. One particularly noteworthy opinion could have implications for digital media platforms and technology companies that host and support online content for foreign entities, though the opinion provides little actionable guidance.

When acting as an “agent” of a foreign principal, the obligation to register under FARA is triggered when an agent engages—“within the United States”—in “political activities;” represents the interests of a foreign principal before the U.S. government; collects or disburses money on behalf of a foreign principal; or acts as a “public-relations counsel,” “publicity agent,” “information-service employee,” or “political consultant.” These latest advisory opinions shed new light on how the FARA Unit views the scope of these triggers and the jurisdictional requirement that the activities be “within the United States.”

Broad Interpretation of FARA Triggers

The FARA Unit concluded in one recent advisory opinion that a U.S. online platform was required to register under FARA for “creat[ing] a virtual entity presence” for a foreign government agency and “displaying that presence on” the company’s platform. Notably, the online presence was only viewable to other subscribers of the platform and “would contain factual data.” The FARA Unit reasoned that the U.S. company acted as an “information-service employee” and a “publicity agent.” The opinion noted that the services to the foreign government agency also included “tailored support,” although it is not clear from the heavily redacted opinion the extent to which the company was merely hosting the platform versus creating custom content—or if that distinction even mattered in the FARA Unit’s analysis. The opinion offers no explanation of whether the “tailored support” concerned content, targeting, technical support, or something else entirely.

The FARA Unit further advised that FARA’s commercial exemptions do not apply because the foreign government agency did not appear to be engaging in trade or commerce and the activity served “the general public interest of” the foreign government.

The opinion reads the terms “information-service employee” and “publicity agent” very broadly, although the redactions complicate the task of understanding the basis for this reading. In past advisory opinions, the FARA Unit has applied legislative history to cabin an unreasonably broad interpretation of the “political consultant” registration trigger and include only work that also involves “political activities.” But that legislative history does not apply to the sweeping definitions of “information-service employee” and “publicity agent.” Ultimately, the opinion leaves companies that operate online platforms with little clear guidance, though the implications of the opinion are potentially significant. This is yet another example of how redactions and the absence of sufficient detail regarding the request to which the FARA Unit is responding leaves us with advisory opinions that raise questions without providing much in the way of actionable guidance.

Within the United States

Several of the new advisory opinions also offer insights into the FARA Unit’s interpretation of the provision in the statute limiting its scope to activities taking place “within the United States.” The text of the statute limits its coverage to activities within the United States, but the recent opinions reflect DOJ’s much broader interpretation of the statute’s reach.

In one opinion, the FARA Unit focused on the location of the service provider that was providing remote communications training to foreign government officials abroad. The government concluded that the services were “within the United States” even though the services would be delivered to the foreign principal remotely via an online platform because the communications “will originate . . . in the United States.” Similarly, in another opinion, the FARA Unit concluded that this element of the statute was satisfied simply because a company’s online platform, including a foreign principal’s account, was “clearly viewable in the United States,” which would be true for any public website. These opinions follow similar decisions by the FARA Unit, where it stated that registration was required for activities “that would normally require registration” even though those activities were conducted “physically outside the United States at the time of performance or delivery of the service.” Some of these positions are difficult to square with the statutory language, although no party has yet challenged them in court. 

If you have any questions concerning the material discussed in this client alert, please contact the members of our Election and Political Law practice.

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Photo of Robert Kelner Robert Kelner

Robert Kelner is the chair of Covington’s nationally recognized Election and Political Law Practice Group.  He counsels clients on the full range of political law compliance matters, and defends clients in civil and criminal law enforcement investigations concerning political activity. He also leads

Robert Kelner is the chair of Covington’s nationally recognized Election and Political Law Practice Group.  He counsels clients on the full range of political law compliance matters, and defends clients in civil and criminal law enforcement investigations concerning political activity. He also leads the firm’s prominent congressional investigations practice.

Rob’s political law compliance practice covers federal and state campaign finance, lobbying disclosure, pay to play, and government ethics laws. His expertise includes the Federal Election Campaign Act, Lobbying Disclosure Act, Ethics in Government Act, Foreign Agents Registration Act, and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

He is also a leading authority on the arcane rules governing political contributions and marketing activities by registered investment advisers and municipal securities dealers.

Rob’s political law clients include numerous multinational corporations, many of which are household names.  He counsels major banks, hedge funds, private equity funds, trade associations, PACs, political party committees, candidates, lobbying firms, and politically active high-net-worth individuals. He has represented the Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, and National Republican Senatorial Committee.  He also advises Presidential political appointees on the complex vetting and confirmation process.

As a partner in the firm’s White Collar Defense & Investigations practice group, Rob regularly defends clients in congressional investigations before virtually every major congressional investigation committee.  He also defends corporations and others in investigations by the Federal Election Commission, the Public Integrity Section of the U.S. Department of Justice, federal Offices of Inspector General, and the House & Senate Ethics Committees.  He has prepared many CEOs and corporate executives for testimony before congressional investigation panels. He regularly leads the Practicing Law Institute’s training program on congressional investigations for in-house lawyers.  In addition, he is frequently retained to lead internal investigations and compliance reviews for major corporate clients concerning lobbying and campaign finance law issues.

Rob has appeared as a commentator on political law matters on The PBS News Hour, CNBC, Fox News, and NPR, and he has been quoted in the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, Legal Times, Roll Call, The Hill, Politico, USA Today, Financial Times, and other publications.

Rob is Chairman of Covington’s Professional Responsibility Committee and a General Counsel of the firm.  He also currently serves as Chairman of the District of Columbia Bar’s Legislative Practice Committee, and he previously was appointed by the President of the American Bar Association to serve on the ABA’s Standing Committee on Election Law.

Photo of Brian D. Smith Brian D. Smith

Brian Smith assists clients with challenging public policy matters that combine legal and political risks and opportunities.

Brian represents companies and individuals facing high-profile and high-risk congressional investigations and hearings, and other criminal, civil, and internal investigations that present legal, political, and public…

Brian Smith assists clients with challenging public policy matters that combine legal and political risks and opportunities.

Brian represents companies and individuals facing high-profile and high-risk congressional investigations and hearings, and other criminal, civil, and internal investigations that present legal, political, and public relations risks. He assists companies and executives responding to formal and informal inquiries from Congress and executive branch agencies for documents, information, and testimony. He has extensive experience preparing CEOs and other senior executives to testify before challenging congressional oversight hearings.

Brian develops and executes government relations initiatives for clients seeking actions by Congress and the executive branch. He has led strategic efforts resulting in legislation enacted by Congress and official actions and public engagement at the most senior levels of the U.S. government. He has significant experience in legislative drafting and has prepared multiple bills enacted by Congress and legislation passed in nearly every state legislature.

Prior to joining Covington, Brian served in the White House as Assistant to the Special Counsel to President Clinton. He handled matters related to the White House’s response to investigations, including four independent counsel investigations, a Justice Department task force investigation, two major oversight investigations by the House of Representatives and the Senate, and several other congressional oversight investigations.

Brian is a Professorial Lecturer in Law at the George Washington University Law School.

Photo of Alex Langton Alex Langton

Alexandra Langton is a member of the Election and Political Law Practice Group in the Washington, DC office. She represents clients in high-profile and high-risk congressional investigations, FEC investigations, and other criminal, civil, and internal investigations that present legal, political, and public relations…

Alexandra Langton is a member of the Election and Political Law Practice Group in the Washington, DC office. She represents clients in high-profile and high-risk congressional investigations, FEC investigations, and other criminal, civil, and internal investigations that present legal, political, and public relations risks. She also advises companies, PACs, nonprofits, and individuals on compliance with federal and state campaign finance, ethics, lobbying laws, and vetting matters.

Alexandra has particular expertise in the Foreign Agents Registration Act (“FARA”). She frequently interacts with the FARA Unit of the Department of Justice and advises clients on top-tier FARA compliance programs, including FARA policies, FARA trainings, and FARA filings. Alexandra also represents a number of clients in high-profile civil and criminal FARA enforcement actions.