
The German regulation of pricing and reimbursement of pharmaceuticals is probably one of the most complicated legal areas in the entire world of life sciences laws. Now, the German government is adding another layer of complexity to the existing rules.

On 20 October 2022, the German Parliament has accepted the draft Act for the Financial Stabilization of the German Statutory Health Insurance System („GKV-FinStG“). The new act was subject to month-long controversial discussions within and outside of the Parliament and affected stakeholders. This was due to the fact that the new rules will affect almost all players within the healthcare system, including the health insurers, doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and, especially, the pharmaceutical industry. The new law encompasses significant cost-containment measures as the German healthcare system faces increased costs while, at the same time, the system suffers from a reduced inflow of funds.

According to the explanatory memorandum of the GKV-FinStG, the cost increase is particularly due to the disproportionate increase of expenditures for medicinal products. Correspondingly, a number of new rules specifically target the pricing and reimbursement of pharmaceuticals. Key elements of the GKV-FinStG that apply to the pharmaceutical industry include the following measures:Continue Reading Germany significantly tightens Drug Pricing and Reimbursement Laws