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Photo of Derek Lawlor

Derek Lawlor

Derek Lawlor is of counsel in the firm’s Election and Political Law Practice Group. Derek advises corporations, nonprofit organizations, and trade associations on compliance with federal and state lobbying, campaign finance, and government ethics laws.

Clients regularly rely on Derek to assist with their complex questions related to activities and projects that implicate all of these laws. Derek advises federal and state candidates and super PACs on campaign finance and disclosure issues. Derek also represents clients in government investigations and inquiries conducted by the Federal Election Commission, Office of Congressional Ethics, and Congressional Committees and Commissions.

Derek’s representation of clients covers the full range of important political law issues that they face, including:

  • Advising clients on their registration and reporting obligations under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act, as well as state and local lobbying laws, including helping client organizations evaluate the core questions that arise in this space:
    • Has the organization or any of its employees triggered lobbying registration requirements?
    • What lobbying income, expenditures, issues, or contacts need to be disclosed on lobbying reports?
    • Does procurement or sales activity directed at governmental entities trigger lobbying registration in a particular jurisdiction?
    • What are the best practices for designing a lobbying compliance program?
  • Assisting corporations and trade associations with the establishment and operation of connected PACs, which frequently entails evaluating the following questions:
    • What steps does the organization need to take to start up and register a connected PAC?
    • What are the ongoing reporting requirements under the Federal Election Campaign Act (“FECA”) or state campaign finance laws?
    • Which employees can the organization solicit and what are the rules on conducting a solicitation campaign?
    • What are the limits on making contributions to federal, state, or local candidates, party committees, or other political committees?
    • What are the best practices for designing a PAC compliance program?
  • Evaluating whether a client’s proposed activities might trigger registration under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (“FARA”), and if so, advising on registration and ongoing reporting obligations;
  • Advising federal and state candidates, super PACs, and other political committees on compliance with FECA, FEC regulations and reporting requirements, state campaign finance laws, rules on disclaimers placed on communications, and other political law compliance topics;
  • Counseling individuals who are entering government service, including Senate-confirmed positions, on the various financial disclosure requirements, conflicts of interest considerations, and other ethics law issues they may face;
  • Helping clients establish politically active or policy-focused nonprofit organizations, and proving ongoing support related to tax and political law issues that might arise from their activities; and
  • Advising corporations, nonprofits, and individuals on their proposed donations to candidates, political committees, and other politically active outside groups.

Derek is a Professorial Lecturer in Law at the George Washington University Law School.

Prior to receiving his law degree, Derek worked in the Office of General Counsel at the U.S. House of Representatives.

Under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act (“LDA”), an organization or lobbying firm must register if it employs an individual who meets the definition of a “lobbyist” and if its total expenses or income for lobbying activities meet certain monetary thresholds.  The two non-monetary thresholds determining when an individual becomes a

Continue Reading LDA’s Registration Threshold Increases By $1,000

With a growing chorus of support across the progressive landscape, the For the People Act of 2021 has emerged as a key legislative priority for congressional Democrats in the 117th Congress. Envisioned as a “transformational anti-corruption and clean elections reform package,” the bill would enact sweeping changes to federal election

Continue Reading Understanding H.R. 1 (Part 1): Corporate & Trade Association Campaign Activity

The FEC increased the amount an individual can contribute to a

Continue Reading FEC Increases Contribution Limits for 2021-2022

As the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic spreads through every industry, companies that previously steered clear of Washington, D.C. may find themselves contacting the federal government for assistance. From communicating with Members of Congress about potential provisions of the CARES Act to requesting new forms of assistance from federal agencies

Continue Reading A Rookie’s Guide to Federal Lobbying Compliance: Four Key Risks for Companies Contacting Government Officials on COVID-19 Matters

Following the Department of Justice’s announcement in March of an initiative to increase enforcement of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (“FARA”), the Department has rolled out a new e-file system for FARA registrations.  Notably, the new system only applies to new registrants, although the Department indicated that it will transition

Continue Reading New Changes to Foreign Agents Registration Act Forms and E-File System

The recent passage of the Justice Against Corruption on K Street Act of 2018 (“JACK Act” or the “Act”) imposes new requirements on those registering and filing reports under the Lobbying Disclosure Act (“LDA”). The Act amends the LDA to require that LDA registrants disclose listed lobbyists’ convictions for criminal

Continue Reading Congress Amends LDA Forms to Require Reporting of Lobbyist Convictions

In a significant and unexpected development, the U.S. Treasury Department announced yesterday that certain nonprofits — including trade associations and 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations — would no longer be required to disclose the names and addresses of their donors on the annual “Form 990” they file with the Internal Revenue
Continue Reading IRS Announces Major Change To Nonprofit Donor Disclosure Requirements

There is one very important political law provision to watch as the tax bill moves to a final vote in the Senate, and potentially a conference committee reconciles the House and Senate versions.  This amendment will remove the ban on partisan political activities by charitable entities, churches, educational institutions and
Continue Reading House Tax Bill Opens Door to Expanded Political Activity By Charities

The Federal Election Commission has announced contribution limits for the 2017-2018 election cycle.  The new limits are effective January 1, 2017.

The FEC did not change the limit on the amount an individual can contribution to a candidate, leaving the limit at $2700 per election.  Because the primary and general
Continue Reading FEC Increases Contribution Limits to Party Committees, Leaves Candidate Limits the Same