In a precedent decision, on 13 November 2024, the EU General Court annulled significant parts of a Commission Regulation, which sought to restrict or place under scrutiny the addition of certain botanicals containing hydroxyanthracene derivatives (“HADs”) to foods. The Court held that the Commission had exceeded its powers by seeking to regulate botanical “preparations.” Moreover, the Commission, in relying on the scientific opinion of the European Food Safety Authority (“EFSA”), had failed to demonstrate that the relevant substances would be ingested in amounts greatly exceeding those consumed from a normal diet or otherwise represented a potential risk to consumers.
1. Background
Regulation (EC) 1925/2006 governs the addition of vitamins and minerals and of certain other substances to food (the “Fortification Regulation”). Article 8 permits the Commission on its own initiative, or on the basis of information provided by Member States, to prohibit, restrict or place under scrutiny “substances” and “ingredients containing a substance”, which are “added to foods or used in the manufacture of foods under conditions that would result in the ingestion of amounts of this substance greatly exceeding those reasonably expected to be ingested under normal conditions of consumption of a balanced and varied diet and/or would otherwise represent a potential risk to consumers.”
In 2016, the Commission, relying on Article 8, requested EFSA to provide a scientific opinion on the safety of HADs and preparations containing HADs. In November 2017, EFSA adopted its scientific opinion “Safety of hydroxyanthracene derivatives for use in foods” (“the EFSA Opinion”) in which it concluded as follows:Continue Reading EU Court Overturns EU-wide Botanical Food Ban