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Photo of Deon Govender

Deon Govender

Deon Govender is a vice chair of the Africa Practice Group. He focuses his practice on project development and corporate and project finance transactions across Africa, with particular emphasis on southern Africa. His experience ranges from advising on the development and financing of renewable energy and thermal power projects and various other infrastructure assets in the transportation and telecommunications sectors. Deon’s experience additionally includes advising on financing independent power producer projects under the South African government’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme.

The Information Regulator recently published its Guidance Note on Direct Marketing (“Guidance Note”), providing clarity on how personal information can be lawfully processed under the Protection of Personal Information Act (“POPIA”). The Guidance Note offers actionable steps for organizations to align their marketing practices with these principles, fostering responsible marketing that complies with both the letter and spirit of the law.

In this blog, we briefly examine POPIA’s rules on direct marketing, and some of the key highlights from the Guidance Note.

How Direct Marketing is Regulated under POPIA

POPIA regulates direct marketing by establishing strict conditions for the lawful processing of personal information. It requires “responsible parties” (more commonly known as ‘controllers’) to ensure that personal data is collected and used transparently, fairly, and only for a specific, legitimate purpose.

For direct marketing:

  • Consent is the default requirement for unsolicited electronic communications (e.g., emails, SMSs, and automated calls). Section 69 of POPIA explicitly prohibits such communications unless the data subject has given prior consent or is an existing customer under specific conditions.
  • Legitimate interests may only serve as a justification for non-electronic direct marketing (e.g., postal mail or in-person promotions) under section 11, provided the responsible party conducts a legitimate interest assessment and complies with all conditions for lawful processing.

These rules emphasize data subjects’ control over their personal information, highlighting the importance of consent and the right to object.Continue Reading Long-Awaited POPIA Guidance on Direct Marketing Published by South Africa’s Information Regulator

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