This is the twenty-sixth in a series of Covington blogs on implementation of Executive Order 14028, “Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity,” issued by President Biden on May 12, 2021 (the “Cyber EO”). The first blog summarized the Cyber EO’s key provisions and timelines, and the subsequent blogs described the actions taken
Continue Reading June 2023 Developments Under President Biden’s Cybersecurity Executive Order and National Cybersecurity StrategyDarby Rourick
Darby Rourick advises defense and civilian contractors on a range of issues related to government contracting and has particular experience in federal cybersecurity and information technology supply chain issues. She has an active investigations practice and has experience representing clients in internal and government investigations, including conducting witness interviews and managing government subpoena and CID responses. She also counsels clients on cybersecurity incident response; compliance with federal cybersecurity laws, regulations, and standards; supplier and subcontractor security issues; and cybersecurity related investigations.
November 2021 Developments Under President Biden’s Cybersecurity Executive Order
Continue Reading November 2021 Developments Under President Biden’s Cybersecurity Executive Order
DoD Outlines Significant Changes to CMMC with Version 2.0
On November 5, 2021, an Editorial Note was added to the Federal Register stating “An agency letter requesting withdrawal of this document was received after placement on public inspection. The document will remain on public inspection through close of business
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DOJ Announces New Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative
In a December 2020 speech, Deputy Assistant Attorney General Michael Granston warned that cybersecurity fraud could see enhanced enforcement under the False Claims Act (“FCA”). On October 6, 2021, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco announced that the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) would be following through on that warning with the…
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President Biden Directs Broad Review of America’s Supply Chains
On February 24, 2021, President Biden signed an Executive Order entitled “Executive Order on America’s Supply Chains” (the “Order”). Among other things, the Order is an initial step toward accomplishing the Biden Administration’s goal of building more resilient American supply chains that avoid shortages of critical products, facilitate investments to…
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How is DoD Planning to Use the Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS)?
Continue Reading How is DoD Planning to Use the Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS)?