Photo of Mark Young

Mark Young

Mark Young is an experienced tech regulatory lawyer and a vice-chair of Covington’s Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Practice Group. He advises major global companies on their most challenging data privacy compliance matters and investigations. Mark also leads on EMEA cybersecurity matters at the firm. In these contexts, he has worked closely with some of the world’s leading technology and life sciences companies and other multinationals.

Mark has been recognized for several years in Chambers UK as "a trusted adviser - practical, results-oriented and an expert in the field;" "fast, thorough and responsive;" "extremely pragmatic in advice on risk;" “provides thoughtful, strategic guidance and is a pleasure to work with;” and has "great insight into the regulators." According to the most recent edition (2024), "He's extremely technologically sophisticated and advises on true issues of first impression, particularly in the field of AI."

Drawing on over 15 years of experience, Mark specializes in:

  • Advising on potential exposure under GDPR and international data privacy laws in relation to innovative products and services that involve cutting-edge technology, e.g., AI, biometric data, and connected devices.
  • Providing practical guidance on novel uses of personal data, responding to individuals exercising rights, and data transfers, including advising on Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) and compliance challenges following Brexit and Schrems II.
  • Helping clients respond to investigations by data protection regulators in the UK, EU and globally, and advising on potential follow-on litigation risks.
  • Counseling ad networks (demand and supply side), retailers, and other adtech companies on data privacy compliance relating to programmatic advertising, and providing strategic advice on complaints and claims in a range of jurisdictions.
  • Advising life sciences companies on industry-specific data privacy issues, including:
    • clinical trials and pharmacovigilance;
    • digital health products and services; and
    • engagement with healthcare professionals and marketing programs.
  • International conflict of law issues relating to white collar investigations and data privacy compliance (collecting data from employees and others, international transfers, etc.).
  • Advising various clients on the EU NIS2 Directive and UK NIS regulations and other cybersecurity-related regulations, particularly (i) cloud computing service providers, online marketplaces, social media networks, and other digital infrastructure and service providers, and (ii) medical device and pharma companies, and other manufacturers.
  • Helping a broad range of organizations prepare for and respond to cybersecurity incidents, including personal data breaches, IP and trade secret theft, ransomware, insider threats, supply chain incidents, and state-sponsored attacks. Mark’s incident response expertise includes:
    • supervising technical investigations and providing updates to company boards and leaders;
    • advising on PR and related legal risks following an incident;
    • engaging with law enforcement and government agencies; and
    • advising on notification obligations and other legal risks, and representing clients before regulators around the world.
  • Advising clients on risks and potential liabilities in relation to corporate transactions, especially involving companies that process significant volumes of personal data (e.g., in the adtech, digital identity/anti-fraud, and social network sectors.)
  • Providing strategic advice and advocacy on a range of UK and EU technology law reform issues including data privacy, cybersecurity, ecommerce, eID and trust services, and software-related proposals.
  • Representing clients in connection with references to the Court of Justice of the EU.

The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) recently announced a new online tracking strategy, which aims to ensure a “fair and transparent online world where people are given meaningful control over how they are tracked online.”

Online advertising is one of the ICO’s current areas of strategic focus

Continue Reading ICO announces its online tracking strategy for 2025

On 23 January 2025, we hosted the 2025 edition of the Covington European Life Sciences Symposium. The Symposium brought together colleagues from London, Brussels, Frankfurt and Dublin with our industry connections to explore the evolving challenges and opportunities facing the European life sciences sector.

Throughout the day our speakers shared their perspectives on a range of legal, regulatory, and business trends, including the evolving regulatory frameworks in the EU and UK; information exchange in ongoing collaboration; investigations and whistleblowing; key ESG topics, and the complexity of options to acquire in pharma deals.

We have set out some of the discussion from the sessions below.

European Life Sciences – The Changing Landscape for Pharma and Biotech

Grant Castle, Head of Covington’s European Life Sciences Regulatory Practice, Peter Bogaert, Marie Doyle-Rossie and Anna Wawrzyniak kicked off with a discussion about the Changing Landscape for Pharma and Biotech.

The UK and EU both aim to deliver access to innovative and transformative medicines and foster international competitiveness in the life sciences industry. Despite the practical challenges faced by the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in recent years, it has emerged as an ambitious regulator and is establishing innovative regulatory frameworks, including an international reliance scheme (see our update here), point of care manufacturing regulations, and the relaunch of the Innovative Licensing and Access Pathway (ILAP).

The EU is also pursuing a wave of legislative reform, including wide ranging revisions to the EU’s pharmaceutical legislation, the EU’s supplementary protection certificates (SPC) rules, and proposals for a compulsory licensing scheme.

There can sometimes be a tension between the UK’s and EU’s aims and the practical impacts of regulatory reform, especially in the early stages of implementation.Continue Reading The Covington European Life Sciences Symposium 2025

On 15 January 2025, the European Commission published an action plan on the cybersecurity of hospitals and healthcare providers (the “Action Plan”). The Action Plan sets out a series of EU-level actions that are intended to better protect the healthcare sector from cyber threats. The publication of the Action Plan follows a number of high-profile incidents in recent years where healthcare providers across the European Union have been the target of cyber attacks.

Whilst the Action Plan primarily focuses on healthcare providers including hospitals, clinics, care homes, rehabilitation centres and others, the plan identifies interdependence between those providers and the healthcare industry. Therefore, some of the measures proposed address risks affecting the broader healthcare supply chain and ecosystem, and will potentially have implications for pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry players as well as medical device manufacturers.

The action that will be of most significance for industry is the plan for Member States to request that entities subject to the NIS2 Directive, including healthcare organisations, must report on ransom payments when reporting significant incidents to the competent authority under the NIS2 Directive (section 3.3, p.14). The Action Plan rationalizes this proposal by stating that the collection of further data is needed to understand the effectiveness of measures taken against ransomware attacks, and noting that such reporting would support the effective investigation of incidents. Reporting of ransomware payments is not required by the NIS2 Directive, so this would represent a significant change for in-scope entities. While this is titled a ‘national action’ to be implemented by Q4 2025, it is not immediately clear from the Action Plan if the proposal would take the form of a new EU law that imposes the obligation on Member States or otherwise.Continue Reading European Commission Publishes Action Plan on Cybersecurity of Hospitals and Healthcare Providers

The UK Government has announced that it intends to introduce the Cyber Security and Resilience Bill (the “Bill”) to Parliament in 2025. Formally proposed as part of the King’s Speech in July, this Bill is intended to strengthen the UK’s cross-sectoral cyber security legislation to better protect the

Continue Reading What to expect from the UK’s Cyber Security and Resilience Bill (and when)

Last month, the European Commission published a draft Implementing Regulation (“IR”) under the EU’s revised Network and Information Systems Directive (“NIS2”). The draft IR applies to entities in the digital infrastructure sector, ICT service management and digital service providers (e.g., cloud computing providers, electronic communications service providers, and online social networks). It sets out further detail on (i) the specific cybersecurity risk-management measures those entities must implement; and (ii) when an incident affecting those entities is considered to be “significant”. Once finalized, it will apply from October 18, 2024.

Many companies may be taken aback by the granular nature of some of the technical measures listed and the criteria to determine if an incident is significant and reportable – especially coming so close to the October deadline for Member States to start applying their national transpositions of NIS2.

The IR is open for feedback via the Commission’s Have Your Say portal until July 25.

  1. Cybersecurity risk-management measures

The Annex to the draft IR sets out further detail on the cybersecurity risk-management measures referred to in Article 21(2) of NIS2 that covered entities must implement.

As a general matter, the IR states that relevant entities should take a proportionate approach to applying these measures, and implement alternatives that achieve the same purpose if a specific measure is unsuitable (e.g., if a particular covered entity is small).Continue Reading NIS2: Commission Publishes Long-Awaited Draft Implementing Regulation On Technical And Methodological Requirements And Significant Incidents

Earlier this week, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) cast their votes in favor of the much-anticipated AI Act. With 523 votes in favor, 46 votes against, and 49 abstentions, the vote is a culmination of an effort that began in April 2021, when the EU Commission first published its 

Continue Reading EU Parliament Adopts AI Act

Yesterday, the European Commission, Council and Parliament announced that they had reached an agreement on the text of the Cyber Resilience Act (“CRA”). As a result, the CRA now looks set to finish its journey through the EU legislative process early next year. As we explained in our prior

Continue Reading The EU’s Cyber Resilience Act Has Now Been Agreed

A would-be technical development could have potentially significant consequences for cloud service providers established outside the EU. The proposed EU Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services (EUCS)—which has been developed by the EU cybersecurity agency ENISA over the past two years and is expected to be adopted by the European Commission as an implementing act in Q1 2024—would, if adopted in its current form, establish certain requirements that could:

  1. exclude non-EU cloud providers from providing certain (“high” level) services to European companies, and
  2. preclude EU cloud customers from accessing the services of these non-EU providers.

Data Localization and EU Headquarters

The EUCS arises from the EU’s Cybersecurity Act, which called for the creation of an EU-wide security certification scheme for cloud providers, to be developed by ENISA and adopted by the Commission through secondary law (as noted in an earlier blog). After public consultations in 2021, ENISA set up an ad hoc working group tasked with preparing a draft.

France, Italy, and Spain submitted a proposal to the working group advocating to add new criteria to the scheme in order for companies to qualify as eligible to offer services providing the highest level of security. The proposed criteria included localization of cloud services and data within the EU – meaning in essence that providers would need to be headquartered in, and have their cloud services provided from, the EU. Ireland, Sweden and the Netherlands argued that such requirements do not belong in a cybersecurity certification scheme, as requiring cloud providers to be based in Europe reflected political rather than cybersecurity concerns, and therefore proposed that the issue should be discussed by the Council of the EU.Continue Reading Implications of the EU Cybersecurity Scheme for Cloud Services

On July 10, 2023, the European Commission adopted its adequacy decision on the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (“DPF”). The decision, which took effect on the day of its adoption, concludes that the United States ensures an adequate level of protection for personal data transferred from the EEA to companies certified to the DPF. This blog post summarizes the key findings of the decision, what organizations wishing to certify to the DPF need to do and the process for certifying, as well as the impact on other transfer mechanisms such as the standard contractual clauses (“SCCs”), and on transfers from the UK and Switzerland.


The Commission’s adoption of the adequacy decision follows three key recent developments:

  1. the endorsement of the draft decision by a committee of EU Member State representatives;
  2. the designation by the U.S. Department of Justice of the European Union and Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway (which together with the EU form the EEA) as “qualifying states,” for the purposes of President Biden’s Executive Order 14086 on Enhancing Safeguards for U.S. Signals Intelligence Activities (“EO 14086”). This designation enables EU data subjects to submit complaints concerning alleged violations of U.S. law governing signals intelligence activities to the redress mechanism set forth in the Executive Order and implementing regulations (see our previous blog post here); and
  3. updates to the U.S. Intelligence Community’s policies and procedures to implement the safeguards established under EO 14086, announced by the U.S. Office of Director of National Intelligence on July 3, 2023.

The final adequacy decision, which largely corresponds to the Commission’s draft decision (see our prior blog post here), concludes “the United States … ensures a level of protection for personal data transferred from the Union to certified organisations in the United States under the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework that is essentially equivalent to the one guaranteed by [the GDPR]” (para. 201).

Key Findings of the Decision

In reaching the final decision, the Commission confirms a few key points:Continue Reading European Commission Adopts Adequacy Decision on the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework

On September 15, 2022, the European Commission published a draft regulation that sets out cybersecurity requirements for “products with digital elements” (PDEs) placed on the EU market—the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). The Commission has identified that cyberattacks are increasing in the EU, with an estimated global annual cost of €5.5 trillion. The CRA aims to strengthen the security of PDEs and imposes obligations that cover:

  1. the planning, design, development, production, delivery and maintenance of PDEs;
  2. the prevention and handling of cyber vulnerabilities; and
  3. the provision of cybersecurity information to users of PDEs.

The CRA also imposes obligations to report any actively exploited vulnerability as well as any incident that impacts the security of a PDE to ENISA within 24 hours of becoming aware of it.

The obligations apply primarily to manufacturers of PDEs, which include entities that develop or manufacture PDEs as well as entities that outsource the design, development and manufacturing to a third party. Importers and distributors of PDEs also need to ensure that the products comply with CRA’s requirements.Continue Reading EU Publishes Draft Cyber Resilience Act